It hasn't yet attracted much attention, but something to keep an eye on is the House Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth. From the "about" section of the committee's website:
The Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth will develop solutions to the key economic issue of our time: the yawning prosperity gap between wealthy Americans and everyone else. America is more unequal today than it has ever been, and far more unequal than other developed nations. Great wealth disparities slow our economy, poison our politics and offend our moral sensibilities.
It's not accurate that America is "far more unequal than other developed nations." Data from the OECD shows South Africa, Chile, Mexico, Costa Rica, Bulgaria, and Turkey all have more income inequality.
As for the idea that wealth poisons politics, that is a Chinese Communist talking point. "American style democracy is a rich men's game based on capital and it has never truly represented the fundamental interests of the people," said a commentary last month from China's state-run Xinhua news.
The chairman of the committee is Jim Himes of Greenwich, Connecticut, a former Goldman Sachs employee. Members include Marcy Kaptur of Ohio and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes of New York.
Right now the committee is information-gathering with a survey that includes questions such as "How should the federal tax code be adjusted to incentivize fair growth, remediate economic disparity and/or raise the revenues sufficient to fund programs described above."