Economic disparity

Reader comment on: "Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth"

Submitted by Peter Llewelyn (United States), Jan 16, 2022 21:10

Let's see now, our government has let millions of non-English speaking immigrants mostly illegally into the country without deporting them and the politicians now say we have a disparity of income. How clueless and idiotic can they be? Did they expect these people to have PHD's or be highly educated with great skills? You can't import non-English speakers with low skills and education and expect to raise the average income of Americans. Instead they will lower it. Do you need a congressional committee to learn that or just some plain common sense. If any of us who didn't speak the language and went to a foreign country and sought work do you think we would get a great job? No, we would start at the bottom but maybe our children would do better if we had a culture that valued and pursued higher education. Do our immigrants have a strong value and foster education for their children?

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