Blinder-ZandiReader comment on: More on Blinder-Zandi Submitted by J.Johnson (United States), Jul 30, 2010 12:33 After a quick read of their paper, I'm wondering about two things that appear to be missing: (1) A calculation of the cost-per-job of those 8.5 million jobs they claim will exist because of the spending spree. Depending on which numbers you use and the time frames, it appears that even the best-case scenarios put the cost-per-job at over $150,000 and much greater if their rosy job creation and/or stimulus repayment scenarios are wrong; and (2) The effect of the fact that much of the spending was financed by borrowing and therefore will have to repaid with interest, and probably at much higher interest rates than exist now. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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