Blinded by Blinder's generalities in WSJ editorial of 6/20/11Reader comment on: More on Blinder-Zandi Submitted by Emily Morse (United States), Jun 21, 2011 18:05 What jobs were created from tax payer stimulus ? What did these jobs make that would bring in a profit ? Do those jobs still exist ? Did the jobs lead to more jobs ? Who paid the salaries for the jobs ? Are we better off because of these jobs ? Were spin off jobs created from the original stimulus money ? If so, why aren's we better off now ? Will more stimulus funded jobs help ? I've read that the average stimulus funded job paid approx. $ 150,000.00 . Can I get one of those jobs ? I'm sure I can learn to run a government printing press ! Enough questions for now. Please answer. quickly . I need money . Respectfully, Emily Morse Annapolis , Md. Are you sure Mr Blinder isn't a philosopher ? Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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