Supreme Court's job is to Protect us from unconstitutional laws

Reader comment on: The Mass. Election and Health Reform

Submitted by Quinn Woodworth (United States), Jan 21, 2010 15:03

The Supreme Court was instituted to protect citizens (especially a minority) from a government that does not adhere to constitutional limits. You write, "If'd probably be a healthy thing if questions about what the constitution means became a part of the political process rather than being left to judges and law professors." Yes. It would be wonderful if congress paid attention to constitutional concerns. However, at present, it does not appear that members of congress even understand the constitution. When Nancy Pelosi responds to a reporter's question of whether a proposal is constitutional with ". . . Are you serious? (smile) Are you serious?" Is she conveying a regard for constitutional government?

When our legislators ignore the limits and provisions of the constitution, it is the Supreme Court's job to uphold the constitution and protect us from legislators who don't.

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⇒ Supreme Court's job is to Protect us from unconstitutional laws [140 words]Quinn WoodworthJan 21, 2010 15:03
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