The numbers I cited were for the out Islands of HawaiiReader comment on: Solyndra's Bankruptcy Submitted by Lyle (United States), Sep 1, 2011 23:12 The numbers I cited work for the out islands of Hi (not Oahu) and Caribbean islands where electricity is made by diesel engines. Oahu is $.25 so $ .15 cheaper than the big Island for example. I doubt the electric rates for Ca are near those. If you factor in the possible jump of oil back to $140/bbl then the rates on the out islands would be over the $.52 cited. In particular Hawaii makes sense because it is near the equator and does not have the large swings in solar that is seen in northern parts of the US. Note that rates in parts of the caribbean run up to $.60/kwh. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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