why #occupyjudaism is at #ows

Reader comment on: Occupy Simchat Torah
in response to reader comment: Occupy Simchat Torah

Submitted by Jeanette Friedman (United States), Oct 22, 2011 14:27

The Torah teaches us that we must feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, care for the widows and orphans, heal the sick and be compassionate. It is the constitution of the Jewish people and the U.S. Constitution is based on the five books of Moses, the same torah scroll we dance with on Simchat Torah. It is the first section of the Tenach, the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings, and we read Isaiah 58 as the haftorah on Yom Kippur, where through the words of Isaiah, God tells the Jewish people they they don't have to fast, pray or care about the motions if they don't feed the hungry, clothe the naked and house the homeless, etc. etc. The Torah was the first text in the world to talk about the pursuit of peace and justice. And that's why we are at #ows. You didn;'t ask me anything on Thursday night. If you had, I would have answered you, but you won't ask an old lady, because we miught have the right answer for you. And you don't want to hear it.

I go down there to talk about the moral bankruptcy of our politicians, the corporations that bought their souls and the media companies that profit from trillions of dollars spent on campaign ads and corporate advertising--a buyout that precludes them from showing the truth of what's going on to anyone who watches, except in rare cases. They are a weapon oif mass distraction or outright liars. And since you think we asre the problem, please explain to me why a bottle of pillls that I paid $30 for 90 pills just two years ago is now $1080. It's because big pharma bought out human decency, and it goes along with all of their other shenanigans, like holding back the production of cancer drugs to hike the price, or non-medical personnel at insurance companies deciding that doctors don't get to say who gets surgery and all the other idsgusting stuff that has been going on, including the legal looting of pension fiunds by the coproations who set them up for their workers, but do some legal hocus pocus, screw the workers and hand over multi-million dollar golden parachutes to elite executives....the list is endless. I go down there to shout DAYENU! Enough is enough. Give me back the middle class. Stop raping us.

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Title By Date
Profundity [50 words]KimberleyOct 31, 2011 21:17
Occupy Simchat Torah [150 words]Jerry BlazOct 25, 2011 02:20
Wow! Really reaching to condemn the 99% [42 words]GeofOct 24, 2011 10:49
Please refrain from personal attacks [5 words]LT COL HOWARDOct 24, 2011 17:45
Poor "Rose"
[w/response] [59 words]
retired captainOct 23, 2011 10:11
Occupy Simchat Torah [27 words]jhosilOct 21, 2011 17:26
⇒ why #occupyjudaism is at #ows [398 words]Jeanette FriedmanOct 22, 2011 14:27
More on soviet ideas
[w/response] [92 words]
LyleOct 21, 2011 16:37
Thanks for the clarification: [19 words]LyleOct 23, 2011 23:30

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