Government Land GrabReader comment on: Investors With Ties To Buffett, Soros, Obama Plan Mortgage Eminent Domain Grab Submitted by Karen Bracken (United States), Aug 25, 2012 15:34 This move to invoke eminent domain to take over foreclosed properties is WRONG and it is unconstitutional. The government caused this problem and now they want the taxpayers to fix it. Believe me nothing good will come out of this for the American people. This is just another plot for government control of our land. Sorry but this is bad. No one needs to get us out of this. Let the system take care of it. Let the foreclosures take place. Just like they should never have bailed out GM or the banks. They should have been left to fail. They spent billions of dollars and GM is in trouble again as are the banks. Obama is bad for America. Obama is anti-American. He WANTS America to fail. He wants to make the dreams of his Communist father come true. America beware there is evil taking over this country and if you don't stand up and stop it now by 2016 America will no longer exist. BE SURE TO GET OUT AND VOTE and be sure you DO NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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