Backing government out the process will drop costs signficantly.

Reader comment on: Health Care Costs Sinking

Submitted by nrg (United States), Aug 28, 2012 00:21

Anyone who has experienced the reluctance of doctors and hospitals to communicate by email for the most mundane purposes, like refilling prescriptions, can attest to the waste involved. Phone calls go back and forth. Authorizations are needed. Pharmacists are part of the discussion. Emails would make it all so much easier, but the hospitals feel constrained by HIPA regulations which are in place for reasons of patient privacy. Many patients would gladly forgo that extra privacy concern for an easier way to get things done and communicated. It's all of a piece with empowering a patient to understand their own situation and do as much for themselves as possible, something the government and its rules continually move out of reach.

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Title By Date
Echocardiograms in Canada for $225 at a private clinic [18 words]JeremyAug 30, 2012 00:27
⇒ Backing government out the process will drop costs signficantly. [120 words]nrgAug 28, 2012 00:21
This is why the health care establishment is trying to make shopping as hard as possible. [74 words]LyleAug 27, 2012 16:26

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