
Reader comment on: Obama on Privatizing the Post Office

Submitted by Carrie (United States), Jun 15, 2013 12:56

Dear Dear if you think Obama does not want to privatize the USPS you are extremely naive and misinformed. He is already doing it. What the Capitalist "free market" government does is this: They defund state run institution (including firing workers), service is compromised, people complain. Thus arises the perfect opportunity to declare as the solution the privatization of institutions like the USPS. Significant is the fact that these government run institutions are in place to service Capitalism. No company wants to be burdened with the costs of running them because the profit margin is too small. However, the cost ispassed from the Corporations and CEO's to the average working taxpayer. Privatization will further exploit workers and decrease their standard of living.

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Title By Date
⇒ Obama [122 words]CarrieJun 15, 2013 12:56
Wrong! [82 words]Gary WillhideMar 8, 2011 12:52
"seems" ? [28 words]RichardFeb 3, 2010 14:01

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