A must-read columnReader comment on: My Experience With ObamaCare Submitted by Belladonna Rogers (United States), Dec 23, 2013 17:40 Kudos to the Editor of FutureOfCapitalism.com for this brilliant, tragic report of what it's like to sign up for ObamaCare in Massachusetts as the dreaded deadline (just extended by the Obama White House as its leader cavorts in Hawaii.) The story of the one-day extension was published by The Washington Post in its Health Section (huh?) late this afternoon under the bizarre headline, "Obama Administration Quietly Extends Health-Care Enrollment by One Day" although the link to the article uses the adverb, "secretly," suggesting to this Internet hand that the original headline said "secretly" and not "quietly." Of course the first one was the accurate one. Doubtless, a Washington Post editor must have seen it and insisted that accuracy take a back seat to kowtowing to Obama. Jeff Bezos has a long way to go before his newest acquisition is worthy of the moniker, "newspaper." (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/obama-administration-secretly-extends-health-care-enrollment-deadline/2013/12/23/66470068-6bdf-11e3-aecc-85cb037b7236_story.html?hpid=z1) That Ira Stoll had to waste so much of his time and energy mired in frustration and outrage on the ObamaCare website is beyond unacceptable. This is a man who is so Internet-savvy that he runs two profitable web-sites, and yet he -- like the millions of those less tech-savvy -- could not sign up for health insurance on the federal website for which we've all paid, indeed over-paid. Because he has great ingenuity, he was able to figure out how to purchase health insurance from a non-government-run website. But not everyone, to put it mildly, has his smarts. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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