If doctors and hospitals get paid for performing procedures then...

Reader comment on: Mount Sinai's $4.8 Million Cardiologist

Submitted by Ron (United States), Mar 6, 2014 20:00

Expect there to be lots of procedures, e.g. Insertion of stents. Hypothetically for the doctor to net $1000 for the stent procedure: (time required? 1 hour) The hospital might bill $15,000 for the operating suite, equipment and room charges. Wouldn't it make more sense and be cheaper for all concerned (except the hospitals) if Doctors could bill like lawyers ( by time) so that they would not be required to perform unnecessary procedures?

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

Except billing by time also encourages unnecessary treatment (just as lawyers "churn" those billable hours by piling unnecessary associates onto cases.) How about tying doctor compensation to the life expectancy or health of the patient?

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Title By Date
⇒ If doctors and hospitals get paid for performing procedures then...
[w/response] [73 words]
RonMar 6, 2014 20:00
If a more patient-driven selection of a cardiac doc via his skin in the game were used, competition would solve it [138 words]Mark MichaelMar 17, 2014 16:37
Add the folks paying for health insurance [74 words]LyleMar 6, 2014 12:45

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