
Reader comment on: The Peter Chernin Subsidy

Submitted by John Gillis (United States), Oct 30, 2014 18:37

That is a stunning amount of incentive. I guess some of that, if not a lot, is tax credits, etc. by local/state governments to supposedly benefit the local economy by having a movie shot in a certain location. These kinds of things were excluded from the Federal Constitution, since Section 8, article 1 enumerates the powers of the Congress, and Madison made clear in 1817 that even such nice things as road and canals could not be funded by the U.S. So, derivative items such as offseting costs of movies certainly aren't in the scope of the Constitution. But perhaps some state Constitutions allow such things....

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Title By Date
Welfare for the rich or "crony capitalism" [48 words]Andrew TerhuneOct 31, 2014 09:59
TNYT is feathering its own ideological nest, nothing else [23 words]Tibor R. MachanOct 31, 2014 07:50
⇒ Stunning [106 words]John GillisOct 30, 2014 18:37

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