Call him out on his crazy!Reader comment on: Samuel Adams on Glenn Beck Submitted by ben (United States), Apr 29, 2010 22:58 You could become a youtube sensation by standing up to this guy. Talk about your stance on immigration, or how Obama is actually a citizen, or how Bush trampled on our liberties with the patriot act (what would Sam Adams say about the patriot act). Talk about how the failure to regulate safety mechanism on the oil platform in the gulf is leading to one of the great manmade disasters of our time. I can't wait to see the clip - should be a great opportunity to move some books. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. The Future of Capitalism replies: Samuel Adams actually countenanced some quite broad powers for General Washington during wartime. While it's always dangerous to speculate about what someone from long ago would think about now, I actually think SA, while he would have been concerned about the federal power in the Patriot Act, wouldn't have opposed it in wartime. Other reader comments on this item
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