This is Ira Stoll, right?

Reader comment on: Laugh Line of the Day

Submitted by Arnld H Nelson (United States), Mar 2, 2015 12:49

I may not have read Ira Sto;;'s first post, but I've read a lot of them. No one else, even on our side comes close.

What bugs me is the overwhelming accesptance of BHO as some kind of God. How often do you see

his real back ground: Before the presidency, tdhe only thing he ever did was

sit at a little desk in the Illinois state House of reps waiting for ˙is political leader to come around

and tell him how to vote on the next question. He is alleged to have been a community ofganizer

in Chicago. You lnow what a euphamism is, tight? In Chicago 'Comm.unity Organizer'

is Democrat vote hustler: EVery two years, if you want to be a community organizer, you

get a list of 200 voters.- if they all come out and vote - if they all show up and vote (Dem

of course) you get to be a Community organizer for another 2 years - if not. maybe you should

moce to the upper peninsula of michigan.

Arn Nelson at Foster Beach in Chicago

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⇒ This is Ira Stoll, right? [181 words]Arnld H NelsonMar 2, 2015 12:49
Value for value received [103 words]Peter GordonFeb 27, 2015 14:12

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