A new level of totalitarianism

Reader comment on: IRS Passport Rule

Submitted by John Gillis (United States), Mar 31, 2016 20:40

I first read about this plan by the Federal government to control U.S. citizens last year. Your confirmation that it has been actually implemented is grim. I have not read about this anywhere else. This should be big news.

At a paltry $50,000. level of owing tax and penalties, most anyone could be threatened by the IRS to have their passport revoked, and thus be placed in the condition similar to an "Iron Curtain citizen" — you can't leave, you are a prisoner of the US Government — because of purported tax violations. This grim law, combined with laws that force any citizen who renounces his citizenship, to pay an "exit" tax, are ominous acts of totalitarian control.

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⇒ A new level of totalitarianism [118 words]John GillisMar 31, 2016 20:40
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