Re: "With Disdain for Capitalism, Democrats ...'

Reader comment on: Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

Submitted by Richard Masterson (United States), Jul 25, 2017 16:36

Dear Ira:

You have fallen into the trap that has caught so many people from all parts of the political spectrum. It is referred to as "selective hearing."

Democrats are in favor of Capitalism. That point would be easily missed if you are looking for threats to pure capitalism.

The Democrats want strictly controlled capitalism. The singular consumer is not literate in all things that are sold to them. Protections are necessary from profit hungry merchants who would sell them paper shoes or toasters that will electrocute them.

It is democratic governance of a capitalistic economy. It gives you a vote on how the economy will be run. You, your family, and your neighbors are in control -- including owners and operators of businesses.

It's that simple. Democrats just don't want commerce to abuse people on either side of the transaction. For some people who see profit as the goal of human existence, it may look like Democrats are in opposition to trade. Democrats encourage commerce and profit.

Uncontrolled capitalism will eat itself up when the natural inclination of people's greed has a chance to thrive. WE happily pay taxes to support the control of OUR economy by inspection and litigation.

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Title By Date
⇒ Re: "With Disdain for Capitalism, Democrats ...' [201 words]Richard MastersonJul 25, 2017 16:36
working population growth is a big part of economic growth. [50 words]LyleJul 20, 2017 11:38
economic growth => read "Good Profit" by Charles Koch [105 words]Bob KJul 19, 2017 09:58
"Good Profit" track record [16 words]Bob KJul 19, 2017 12:17
Koch does not have the answer for the rest of the world [131 words]Richard MastersonJul 26, 2017 09:55

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