Koch does not have the answer for the rest of the world

Reader comment on: Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
in response to reader comment: "Good Profit" track record

Submitted by Richard Masterson (United States), Jul 26, 2017 09:55

People -- That is our primary interest. An economic system needs to work for the people -- all of them -- or be subject to great control by a third party to protect all the people or be extinguished in practice. If you don't agree, you are only qualified to talk about an economic theory, not participate.

Koch's system works for an individual who wants to make his own material accumulation. When a worker in a factory he owns cuts their hand off in a machine, Koch would put a tourniquet on it and send him home -- canceling the workers pay and family income. That does not work for all the people. It is a greedy system.

"Greed" is selfish and destructive to society. "Society" is everyone including Mr. Koch.

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Re: "With Disdain for Capitalism, Democrats ...' [201 words]Richard MastersonJul 25, 2017 16:36
working population growth is a big part of economic growth. [50 words]LyleJul 20, 2017 11:38
economic growth => read "Good Profit" by Charles Koch [105 words]Bob KJul 19, 2017 09:58
"Good Profit" track record [16 words]Bob KJul 19, 2017 12:17
⇒ Koch does not have the answer for the rest of the world [131 words]Richard MastersonJul 26, 2017 09:55

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