false pretense. lack of knowledge by writerReader comment on: Climate Change and 'Just War' Submitted by ralph (Canada), Sep 6, 2017 19:42 only a true believer could even think of writing such a piece of fluff. sand is illegally being removed around all maldive island by sand pirates. these pirates openly fill bags of sand meters from each island. they take these bags to the main island where developers use it to build high rises. removing thse sandy shoals allows water to lap up to the houses. this is purely a mechanical action. it is being repeated in india, around florida. engineers know it. report it but no one does anything about. because the housing construction industry pays off these local politicians. it has nothing to do with climate change. however, like all religious true believeers, this priest, this intellectual, this soldier does not seek the truth. he seeks salvation in a religious war. the people of maldives have no one to blame but themselves and their politicians. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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