Hillary is NOT an example of "center left"

Reader comment on: Who Killed the Center-Left?

Submitted by Mark (United States), Jul 6, 2018 17:45

> Remember, Hillary Clinton defeated socialist Bernie Sanders
> for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination,

in a rigged process, run by her cronies, and set up to guarantee her a win. Not much proof of "center left" being "alive and well;" just crooked, corrupt, and clueless.

"Center left" has always PROFESSED concern. A "concern" that is nothing more than marketing. The left (all of them) are only concerned with retaining their own power and enriching their friends (feather bedding, and back-scratching).

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Title By Date
Same premises & ideology leads to ever Leftward course [273 words]LawrenceJul 6, 2018 18:22
⇒ Hillary is NOT an example of "center left" [81 words]MarkJul 6, 2018 17:45

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