Same premises & ideology leads to ever Leftward course

Reader comment on: Who Killed the Center-Left?

Submitted by Lawrence (United States), Jul 6, 2018 18:22

Continetti's ridiculous explanation for the "center-left"'s supposed demise is just more fake news 'positioning talking points' of the left.

The "center-left" idea has always been a myth, foisted on us by the hard-left progressivism which has tried to disguise its statist-collectivist philosophy. It's the long march of the progressives since the 1880's in America. Their totalitarian premise is lately exposed for its anti-American principles. Instead of the Declaration and Individual Rights in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the left ruthlessly pursues the opposite - unlimited rule over the collective wherein the ends justify the means, the "common good" is whatever the 'leader' of the leviathan bureaucratic state of today deems it should be. The entrenched and lawless Deep State impervious to all principle or Constitutional limits is the current resulting evolution.

Without effective principled opposition, the nation has been moving ever left, regardless of right-center-left labels. What has changed has been open and intellectual challenge of the progressive's premises. Before that, the left had a monopoly on media, academia, Hollywood, culture, etc. Talk radio, Fox TV, and lately Trump have challenged openly and daily these presumptions of the left that they hold the moral high ground. Progressives's hysteria reveals their totalitarian megalomania - as if only they should be "allowed" to speech in the public domain.

There is nothing moderate or center about an unstable mix of freedom versus controls. And regulation (state control) begets more of the same in a death spiral of strangling gov't control over the people, property and business. De Tocqueville predicted it, Ludwig von Mises exposed it and Ayn Rand gave the full intellectual and moral analysis.

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⇒ Same premises & ideology leads to ever Leftward course [273 words]LawrenceJul 6, 2018 18:22
Hillary is NOT an example of "center left" [81 words]MarkJul 6, 2018 17:45

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