missing the point

Reader comment on: Wisconsin Governor Takes on Unions

Submitted by Kamikazi (United States), Feb 12, 2011 23:42

When an employee takes a job, his salaries and benefits are negotiated. One can look to the benefits of other states, but the issue is essentially the agreement at hand. The problem with employees of the state of Wisconsin is not the comparative analysis you assert here, but that they foolishly had faith that the agreements they signed were in good faith. Good faith is sadly a lost concept in modern America. I can assure you as an employee of the state that good faith entails a concern for one's fellow citizens, unlike the interests of business. It's a sad consolation to Wisconsin's state employees that their treatment reflects the demise of an ethical moral order in this country, and that this is part of the decline of the country. Shame on you for this opinion. Start learning Chinese, because the Chinese government is infinitely more concerned about its citizens than either you or the U.S. government are. 嗨 !

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Title By Date
Don't destroy this country [119 words]David WildermanFeb 20, 2011 12:45
Governor should stand firm [14 words]Bill JohnsonFeb 18, 2011 19:40
strive for the full truth [99 words]jakeFeb 13, 2011 00:26
the other thing [27 words]minogaadeFeb 12, 2011 23:45
⇒ missing the point [160 words]KamikaziFeb 12, 2011 23:42
However, unions should not take things for granted [104 words]factcheckerFeb 14, 2011 13:48

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