Don't destroy this countryReader comment on: Wisconsin Governor Takes on Unions Submitted by David Wilderman (United States), Feb 20, 2011 12:45 Governor Walker: Your scapegoating workers is totally unacceptable-you are polarizing America-you don"t know the history of unions and their contributions to this country-namely a middle class-the idea is not to impoverish America-but to rebuild America-you don't do that by trying to destroy unions-unions are the first line of defense to fascism-try a little history-Hitler first had to destroy unions-the people of your state are not your enemies-your callous disregard of the people that serve all in your state simply will drive down the standard of living for all workers-the idea is not to drive down the standard of living but to improve the standard of living for all workers-you couldn't be more wrong headed and ignorant-all for personal gain-shame Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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