However, unions should not take things for granted

Reader comment on: Wisconsin Governor Takes on Unions
in response to reader comment: missing the point

Submitted by factchecker (United States), Feb 14, 2011 13:48

I will say 5-10 years ago, unions were the envy of many private sector employees , in fact unions would often keep the jobs while the non-management hard working employees would get laid off and governments would often court the unions including in NY governor pataki who is republican and has little right to go on national TV and try to pose as conservative and attack government.

Many folks including moderately paid private sector used to say "Oh I wish " I had been a public sector employee who is able to retire with benefits after 20 years, imagine if everyone did the same.

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Title By Date
Don't destroy this country [119 words]David WildermanFeb 20, 2011 12:45
Governor should stand firm [14 words]Bill JohnsonFeb 18, 2011 19:40
strive for the full truth [99 words]jakeFeb 13, 2011 00:26
the other thing [27 words]minogaadeFeb 12, 2011 23:45
missing the point [160 words]KamikaziFeb 12, 2011 23:42
⇒ However, unions should not take things for granted [104 words]factcheckerFeb 14, 2011 13:48

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