The Kochs may be right
Reader comment on: The New Yorker on David and Charles Koch
Submitted by Joe (United States), Apr 3, 2011 23:56
and yet....
Look at how things are going down the tubes before your eyes. It seems obvious to me, as I watch no one even question that any/all jobs should go to the cheapest labor market, and that the money entrusted to the top for reinvestment in our society just hasn't trickled down but has concentrated up there, that what more and more people are realizing is that no matter how one justifies it, the system and policies we have in place are no longer serving the vast majority of the people who live under them. The direction the Kochs want to take things will only serve to exacerbate the situation.
The simple fact is that a consumer based economy depends on having a certain portion of the wealth disbursed in the hands of the working class. Without that, you have what ends up being essentially a feudal system. This level of wealth concentration (or anything worse) is a death sentence for the American way of life.
This is not about right/ left. It's about Haves/Have nots.
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⇒ The Kochs may be right [177 words] | Joe | Apr 3, 2011 23:56 |
Kochs support cancer research while shamelessly polluting the environment [w/response] [59 words] | LT | Aug 28, 2010 20:02 |
Interesting Omission by Stoll! [141 words] | Steve | Aug 28, 2010 08:15 |
Excellent support of corporatism! [31 words] | Kai | Aug 27, 2010 16:26 |
↔ Political literacy please [w/response] [48 words] | Ron Kampeas | Aug 28, 2010 18:41 |
Coins have two sides [105 words] | Peter Boyle | Aug 27, 2010 11:22 |
Your critique is boring [83 words] | Bob Jacobson | Aug 26, 2010 21:33 |
10th Worst Polluters in America [127 words] | P.J. Nuhn | Aug 26, 2010 09:27 |
↔ Re: 10th Worst Polluters in America [w/response] [18 words] | Peep | Aug 26, 2010 14:29 |
Koch assistance Welcome in South Carolina [101 words] | Timothy N. Moultrie | Aug 25, 2010 16:39 |
At least someone did their research [116 words] | Peggy Venable | Aug 25, 2010 15:24 |
New Yorker piece badly researched [75 words] | Eric Crampton | Aug 24, 2010 23:45 |
Stealth - yes [w/response] [83 words] | JH | Aug 24, 2010 15:56 |
Center for Public Integrity is not left wing [w/response] [133 words] | Randy Barrett | Aug 24, 2010 14:58 |
Is this what passes for journalism these days? [89 words] | Carol Skaff | Aug 24, 2010 13:39 |
Not a dime yet, but we're hoping! [17 words] | Wildwill | Aug 23, 2010 16:49 |
Well said [47 words] | TJohnson | Aug 23, 2010 16:23 |
Mr. Stoll's bias is ridiculously evident in his criticism of Jane Mayer's New Yorker article on the Kochs [w/response] [51 words] | t. barr | Aug 23, 2010 16:17 |
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