TARP workedReader comment on: Republican Presidential Debate Submitted by Terrye C (United States), Jun 14, 2011 06:50 The government is going to turn a profit on TARP. It worked, that is just a fact. If they had not passed it the unemployment rate would be even higher. I think the problem is that TARP got mixed up in people's minds with all the other spending and most people do not realize the money has been paid back. If not TARP...then what? Sorry, but if the president gets a warning that the financial sector is going to collapse if there is nothing done to stop or slow the crisis...I think it would have been a derelection of duty to stand by and do nothing. These folks can say this because they are not the ones who have to make that choice. Who knows what they would do if they were actually in that situation. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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