TARP Didn't workReader comment on: Republican Presidential Debate Submitted by Brandon B (United States), Jun 14, 2011 13:42 Overall, TARP lost over 100 billion, and saying that it "worked" is to cherry pick data from the strongest banks, who did pay back their loans, while ignoring the banks, like Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citi, that will likely never be able to pay theirs back. Under any honest assessment, all the bailouts have turned out to be nothing more than the government rewarding well-connected private interests at the expense of the American public. Crony capitalism simply does not work, if it did we wouldn't be sliding back toward another recession without having recovered from the first one. The only way for the real economy to recover is for the government to stop interfering with it, and to let the markets correct themselves. There is a reason that command economies have always failed. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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