Calm downReader comment on: Reaction to ObamaCare Passing Submitted by benjamin Geballe (United States), Mar 22, 2010 12:32 I am mystified by all the commenters decrying the totalitarian tactics, the Marxist tendencies and fear for the end of the Republic. There was no military coup. There were no assassinations. There wasn't even "deem and pass." The Democrats won the election in 2008 fair and square (I have heard the conspiracies about ACORN, but if that is all you can point to. . .). The Democrats are doing things they said they would do during the campaign. If you don't like it, vote against them. If you do like it, vote for them. But armed revolution? Please, switch to decaf, or at least channel your energy into making phone calls and canvassing to elect someone you like, and I will do the same. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. The Future of Capitalism replies: Indeed. Elections have consequences, and reminding people of them may be one healthy outcome of the health care vote. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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