The insidious power of repetitionReader comment on: An Illuminating Yet Bizarre Debate Submitted by dennymack (United States), Oct 4, 2012 00:19 This is the toughest nut for pro-capitalists to crack. Because the media is so consistently left of center, or just plain left, we spend all our media opportunities trying to make the case that limitless government is a bad idea. By the time we have the conversation back to the outer edge of reasonable, it makes any contention that government and taxes should actually be smaller an "extremist" position. If people hear the question "Should we raise the top margnial rate to 50%?" a thousand times, it makes it much easier for the media to dismiss the possibility that we might be better off with a top marginal rate of 22%. After all, it is so extreme! Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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