You can have any reality you want, as long as it's mine

Reader comment on: Postmodern Patriot

Submitted by Lawrence (Peru), Jan 12, 2018 18:05

Post modernists reject the notion of winners and losers - as imperialist, capitalist oppression. They try to discredit universal truth and objective reality that it stems from - by saying there is no one universal truth, but only subjectivism - a unique truth for you, another me, and different truths for others. This is the same as saying that there is no such thing as reality, but rather each of us creates our own subjective reality based on our unique perspective (there are many realities, somehow all co-equal and co-existing.). That means that reality is created by your consciousness - instead of the reverse. I think, therefore I am. Rather than rational view that I am, therefore I can think.

Now if you believe in this subjectivism of postmodernism, I've got some swamp land in DC I'ld like to sell to you.

Post modernists proclaim there are no losers, unless of course it's the right or capitalism that loses. Or in other words, in post modernism, you can have any truth as long as it's THEIR truth. Otherwise you are a racist, homophobic, Neanderthal ignoramus, a public nuisance and a danger to civilization. It's the totalitarianism of the progressives hiding behind a smokescreen of make believe - that you can have "freedom" of thought, any thoughts even if they contradict reality. I am free to hold any opinion I want, and everyone else must respect it, regardless of how violently it contradicts reality. The past 200 years has shown the dead end of such irrationality and subjectivism run amok: raw unchecked Emotions ruling over Reason. The 20th century fascism, communism and progressivism were the result.

The fanatical hysterical fake and bogus attacks on Trump are a case in point. Unfounded in reality, except in the emotionally controlled (hate filled) minds of the left, Left media, and the "establishment" factions of both sides.

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Other reader comments on this item

Title By Date
Various truths [59 words]Marc SeganJan 13, 2018 14:49
⇒ You can have any reality you want, as long as it's mine [312 words]LawrenceJan 12, 2018 18:05
On Truths [111 words]William BrownJan 12, 2018 17:38
The fallacy of self-exclusion
[w/response] [125 words]
Harry BinswangerJan 18, 2018 14:17

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