America preservedReader comment on: The Morning After Submitted by ben (United States), Nov 7, 2012 15:19 Thankfully Obama won. The biggest problem with the far right is their complete denial of facts and science. At its most humorous were the protestations until the very end that all the polls were biased. Far more consequential are the many ways that the Tea Party folks just deny facts that don't align with their ideology. Global warming? Hoax. Obama's birth certificate? Fraudulent. Democrats winning elections? Voter fraud. Pregnancy from rape? Impossible. Enough Americans realize that entrusting a party that doesn't believe in science with the levers of power is crazy. In addition, the Republican party is home to far too many xenophobes to expand its reach with growing immigrant groups. It will take more than putting Rubio or Sandoval on the ticket, it will take Republicans actually collaborating on meaningful immigration reform, something that we are at least two more presidential losses away from until the right finally gets its act together. Finally, I hope beyond hope that the Republicans come to the same conclusion that in abandoning true conservative values by going with Romney, they lost. I have the exact opposite read of the election. I will thoroughly enjoy the upcoming GOP civil war and hope the forces of moderation and rational thought win out. I am not optimistic. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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