For a Republican win, just do these things next time:Reader comment on: The Morning After Submitted by Fast Eddie (United States), Nov 8, 2012 09:23 (1) Have multiple web sites all of which have the address-verification feature disabled to facilitate illegal foreign and bundled above-the-legal-limit contributions; (2) Start early, in the summer, demonizing your opposition by calling him (or her) a felon, a tax cheat, and somebody whose actions caused the death of a man's spouse because of lack of health care. (3) Lie about your past governing record by inventing numbers and statistics about job creation and unemployment that have no basis in reality (4) Have your surrogates call the opposition candidate's supporters racists (5) Go 'small ball' by focusing on things like Big Bird when the opposition hits you with uncomfortable facts (6) Use federal money to buy off potential voters with free cell phones and other gimmicks and gadgets. (7) Issue Executive Orders which benefit your demographics, such as cancelling the work requirement in the existing Welfare Reform regulations (8) Go all out for the student loan program even if it adds to the Trillion dollars already owed by today's (and yesterdays) students; and promise to allow student debtors to dump their loans on taxpayers if they can't pay what's owed after 20 years (9) Be Totally Shameless. Say anything and do anything to belittle your opponent and his supporters and depend on the mainstream media to parrot you and carry your campaign across the finish line no matter what. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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