get trump up to date on federal high speed passenger train system

Reader comment on: GE's High Speed Rail Angle

Submitted by robert fulford (United States), Mar 3, 2017 15:07

Trump has a full plate right now but he needs to be told about a federal high speed passenger train system to bring the USA up to date. This would be a Federal Project bringing long term jobs. Individual states do not have the resources. There are people waiting for this system. To drive from NYC to Seattle WA is about 2860 miles or about 8 days by car. stopping for gas. sleeping in motels and stopping for lunch. To fly it takes about 6 hours. To drive from Chicago to Dallas is about 930 miles or 13 hours by driving To fly would take just over 2 hours. Using a high speed train to go from NYC to Seattle at 250 miles an hour would take 11.5 hours not stoping for gas or food. From Chicago to Dallas it would take 3.7 hours. There are many people who don't like to fly. Now they would enjoy the comforts of seeing this beautiful country while having their meals in style.

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Other reader comments on this item

Title By Date
⇒ get trump up to date on federal high speed passenger train system [170 words]robert fulfordMar 3, 2017 15:07
More info on high speed trains [93 words]Robert FulfordFeb 7, 2017 23:43
You can skew data all you want [119 words]ScottFeb 9, 2011 22:42
Short sighted
[w/response] [96 words]
benFeb 9, 2011 15:36

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