The 900 lb. gorilla in the room...Reader comment on: How The Left Will Spin the Election Results Submitted by elaine (United States), Nov 2, 2010 00:30 While the economy is a big part of the reason for the dems' loss, there's an even bigger one: healthcare "reform." They insisted we needed it and rammed it down the country's throat, against the voters' wishes. They figured even if we were angry back in the summer through Christmas of '09, we'd be well over it by the election of '10. Well... they were wrong. We didn't get over it and we didn't forget... nor have we forgiven them. Yes, the economy is bad and yes, that often spells a significant loss for whatever party is currently in control. But the bottom line is it wouldn't be demogeddon had they not foisted healthcare and all their other overreaching policies on an unwilling electorate. Time to pay the piper, ladies and gents. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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