Oh, it matters a LOT

Reader comment on: Entrapping NPR
in response to reader comment: Does it matter?

Submitted by Rich Matarese (United States), Mar 9, 2011 15:18

It has never been possible - or, for that matter, never has it been desirable - for journalists to report or comment dispassionately and without prejudice.

Human nature. From the moment a decision is made to focus on any particular phenomenon as "newsworthy," the human beings doing the reporting impart their own prejudices to the process.

When you think about it, this is what the reader or viewer or listener wants. Each of us selects from available information sources those conduits - those channels - which suit our own perceptions of value. We choose to accord greater reliability or utility to the reporting of some people. We learn to distrust and even to despise the opinions and the reporting "slant" of others.

What we cannot condone is the pretense that any of this work is done in a "nonpartisan" fashion.

That's impossible, right? If anybody chooses to say anything in public discourse - even here, in these "Comment" posts - there's political partisanship inherent in making that statement.

What has long frosted my personal shorts about NPR is the special oh-so-superior pretense under which these "public service" broadcasters operate, always claiming to be without political particularity while at all times and in every possible way "selling" statism, the doctrine of government-as-god in the peculiar flavor we've come to know as "Liberal."

Or are they calling themselves "progressive" again this week?

Add to that their pure, arrogant, hate-filled contempt for us "flyover country" lesser folk - y'know, us taxpayers who work for our livings and who are preyed upon to pay for NPR as a gaudy entertainment run to suit the self-satisfied parasitic "Liberal" types - exposed in this sting operation but always perceivable in NPR operations, and they're going to be fortunate if nothing more happens to them than that the U.S. House of Representatives enacts a measure to zero out their federal funding.

There is, after all, a plenty of hot tar, poultry offal, and fence rails in this nation, and we have a time-honored tradition in America of expressing popular disapproval of people like these NPR officers by inflicting upon them coats of molten asphalt, decorating them with filth and feathers, and riding them out of our communities to dump them in the nearest river.

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Other reader comments on this item

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A scandal at NYT and WaPo [61 words]DavidMar 10, 2011 16:56
"You can't cheat an honest man" [4 words]2WarAbnVetMar 10, 2011 16:14
Stoll is correct
[w/response] [136 words]
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Food Lion [89 words]DavidMar 10, 2011 16:52
Were you this concerned when 60 Minutes did Ambush Journalism? [19 words]John HinesMar 9, 2011 23:56
Principles [79 words]Rich HandMar 9, 2011 17:49
PROject Veritas, not ProJECT Veritas [84 words]CharlieMar 9, 2011 16:43
Excuse me??? [255 words]KindwarriorMar 9, 2011 13:09
Does it matter? [196 words]Mike KloppelMar 9, 2011 11:54
⇒ Oh, it matters a LOT [377 words]Rich MatareseMar 9, 2011 15:18
Entrapping NPR [14 words]PUMABydesign001Mar 9, 2011 09:33
[w/response] [106 words]
SophieMar 9, 2011 09:22
Flipping over the rock [228 words]Rich MatareseMar 9, 2011 00:45
Missing the Point [120 words]jjMar 9, 2011 15:51
Thank you [81 words]JosephCMar 8, 2011 22:46

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