I'm with you, Jim, but I understand the author's povReader comment on: Maureen Dowd on Neoconservatives Submitted by ChuckintheOC (United States), Sep 17, 2012 00:08 I have to completely agree with you Jim. Jesus was a Jew, so any reference he used in speaking of Jews as "snakes" and "vipers" would be to something other than the simple fact they were Jewish. The "Christian Bible", as it is commonly called by Jews (Christians more often use the term "New Testament") clearly depicts Jesus not only as a wonder working prophet, but as the eternal Logos made flesh, the incarnate Son of God. This strongly implies that Jesus being a Jew was not happenstance, but rather a Divine choice, making any suggestion that Jesus would racially denigrate the Jews (which were HIS chosen people!) pretty absurd on its theological face. That said, I can clearly understand the author's confusion on this point. It would be too much to expect a Jew who thinks of the New Testament as the "Christian Bible" to understand why Jesus calling the Pharisees "vipers" and "snakes" at Matthew 23 was not a racial slur, given the many racial slurs (not to mention occasional persecutions) Jews have historically endured at the hands of us Christians. So I would offer this correction with a spirt seeking the author's forgiveness for the past offenses of my spiritual forebearers that in all likelihood have played a role in the formation of his perspective and confusion on this point. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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