I find myself apologizing for my fellow progressives these days,Reader comment on: Who Are the Unemployed? Submitted by Mike Chamberlain (United States), Aug 24, 2010 21:57 but won't in the case of the 'round-the-bend Mr Mays, for whom the year is forever 2007, it seems. Let me put what I take to be his argument differently. Is there any statistical basis for your claim (if such it is) that people gaming the system are a significant fraction of the unemployed? Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. The Future of Capitalism replies: I don't think someone who got a big lump sum severance or whose spouse is employed at a highly compensated job is gaming the system. They (or their employer on their behalf) paid into the system, they are legitimately entitled to collect. I just don't think it fits with the image of the jobless that is put forth either by Republican politicians attacking Obama for the high jobless numbers or by the left-Democrats arguing for a Civilian Conservation Corps. They all usually try to make it sound like every last one of the jobless is some kind of character straight out of Grapes of Wrath. On the statistical basis, the number of unemployed with working spouses have to represent some significant fraction of the total. You can click through to that Current Population Survey release and do some noodling of the numbers. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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