QuestionsReader comment on: Krugman and Obama on Infant Nutrition Submitted by Andy C (United States), Feb 18, 2011 15:57 Is the change in the absolute size of the program the right way to look at WIC? Should the fact that the poverty rate has recently hit a 15 year high be taken into account? Would the right way to look at this be to look at WIC benefits per recipient, taking into account the fact that food prices have also risen over the last ten years? As to middle income families being eligible for WIC, am I mistaken that eligibility is a fx of two factors: household income and members of the household? The eligibility requirements on the USDA FNS site seem to preclude real headline-grabbing abuse: Finally, is Krugman's argument that both parties are wielding strawmen and red herrings to evade the truly difficult decisions that must be made re Medicare and Medicaid? Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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