WICReader comment on: Krugman and Obama on Infant Nutrition Submitted by Vince (United States), Feb 18, 2011 23:48 The WIC program is primarily a place for low-income women, infants and children to receive nutrition education and counseling and it particularly focuses on promoting breast-feeding. The vouchers for formula and free food is an incentive for receiving the nutrition education. So, it isn't just a program that provides food to clients, but a way of providing appropriate nutrition and health education to these mothers that will help them selves, babies and children live healthier lives. Cutting back on this program and other programs that aim at preventing diseases through nutrition and health education and providing food for low-income families is opposing the very issue that is costing lives and running up the health care bill, the fight against childhood obesity and other nutritional related diseases that turn deadly. Unfortunately the health care system and nation as a whole don't seem to notice the importance of this issue. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. The Future of Capitalism replies: Why would it cost nearly twice as much in 2010 to deliver the same "education and counseling" that was being delivered in 2000? Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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