WICReader comment on: Krugman and Obama on Infant Nutrition Submitted by Vince (United States), Feb 18, 2011 23:57 Once again the author of this article is not fully informed of what the WIC program is about. It looks like if a person is going to write an article about a subject they should at least be fully informed of all the angles of the subject. The WIC program's main goal is to educate and encourage women to breast-feed and counsel them on nutrition for them and their children. So, WIC does not encourage formula intake. Formula is there in case clients of WIC decide not to breast-feed. Also, if women of WIC breast-feed they receive more vouchers for free food. I know this, as I am a nutritionist for WIC. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. The Future of Capitalism replies: What do you make then of the study cited by Cato that shows higher formula intake for WIC participants than for non-WIC participants? Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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